Photographing a few of the clients for the MidOhio Food Bank happens every once in a while and it is always a delight. The point is to gather a few stories from the clients at different distribution sites. Some are asked, "Does the food they receive, help out? What does the free food help them to buy or pay for, which the clients couldn't do, otherwise."
Some break out into smiles of huge gratitude; others have very serious expressions because life is so difficult, and they want to talk about what makes their life so hard.
One story reflected told by a young man revealed his deep integrity... living with his mother, who had so many health issues. She needed someone to be of help to her in the morning and everning--after his job. He was made fun of by others, but he didn't let their teasing get to him. He knew his mother needed him. He had other sibs, but he was the one who was attentive and saw her need and responded with kindness.
Isn't that what living a prayerful life means in the spiritual traditions? To be attentive to the suffering around us...