Sitting before a photograph I just framed of Cedar Falls,
A thought came as I was completing the framing.
A thought that has tricked me frequently.
“If only I finish this one of the falls,
then I’ll get this sense of satisfaction.”
But no satisfaction yet.
Must be that same voice who comes back.
“But you have that unfinished framing over there.
When you finish that one,
then you will feel that sense of accomplishment.”
But no. That voice comes back.
“You’ve left several images
in the PC you haven’t finished editing.
Open that last one and see how quickly you can finish it.”
But no.
Voice again: “It won’t take a moment at all to print and
Then you will feel real satisfaction.”
The printer works just fine.
But no.
That voice again.
“Now that you’ve printed it,
you can see several places you missed.
It’s OK.
Just take another minute to fix them and print it.”
But no.
This took a lot longer than a minute.
I could have stopped at the end of the first framing and said
not another word.
“ Done!!”