Workshops - A Day Apart for Exploring Poems, Music, and Art

October 6, 2012 9:00am – 3:30pm The Hermitage Warsaw, Ohio
A day where each is invited to bring a few poems or quotations that continue to inspire courage, creativity, going deeper into one's own life.
Also bring photographs, paintings, stitching, pottery, quilts, which each has created for others to see. Here is an opportunity to get to know what inspires other creative people, and the ways others are imaginative and create. This is a time to read and to be read to. Music and singing will be offered by Leonard and Gwen Kilman. There will be extended times for quiet reflection, no large group discussions, personal walks in the woods of the Hermitage, sitting by the ponds, journaling, meditating in stillness, quiet conversation with one or two others. Some may wish to offer their silent witness.
Email to register: [email protected]
Workshop Overview
1. Cycle One: 9:00. Coming to love poetry, finding what I love to create.
a. Quieting Music.
b. Going around, sharing first names, and what drew you here today?
c. Was there also a little voice that cautioned you not to come?
d. For John, those who are nourished, encouraged, given a gentle nudge by particular poets find it even more rich to read poems out loud to others, and to be read to… and then to see the creativity, the deeper imaginative voice of others, in stitching, photography, painting, creating music on an instrument. When the creative imagination is free, then many experience self-forgetfulness. We let go of “our awful solemnities” (Merton) and what we can do nothing about.
e. A little music
f. Cycle one is “coming to love poetry, finding what I love to create;”
g. Cycle two is “Moments of Turning, Changing Direction, as I Find My Voice;”
h. Cycle three is “Food for the Journey, poems that continue to nourish my journey into the unknown, poems about companions and places that continue to enrich.”
i. In a few moments of silence, would each consider which cycle their poems/art seem to fit best.
j. Sharing where each may want to offer a poem or two, and share their creative work. Any may remain silent who wish.
k. A little tongue in cheek about “Why I Hate Poetry.” JH
l. An Open Space: for those who’d like to read poems about coming to love poetry and/or finding what you love to create……………………
m. A little Music: concluding by 10:45 for a time apart of 45 minutes, returning at 11:30.
a. Quieting Music.
b. Going around, sharing first names, and what drew you here today?
c. Was there also a little voice that cautioned you not to come?
d. For John, those who are nourished, encouraged, given a gentle nudge by particular poets find it even more rich to read poems out loud to others, and to be read to… and then to see the creativity, the deeper imaginative voice of others, in stitching, photography, painting, creating music on an instrument. When the creative imagination is free, then many experience self-forgetfulness. We let go of “our awful solemnities” (Merton) and what we can do nothing about.
e. A little music
f. Cycle one is “coming to love poetry, finding what I love to create;”
g. Cycle two is “Moments of Turning, Changing Direction, as I Find My Voice;”
h. Cycle three is “Food for the Journey, poems that continue to nourish my journey into the unknown, poems about companions and places that continue to enrich.”
i. In a few moments of silence, would each consider which cycle their poems/art seem to fit best.
j. Sharing where each may want to offer a poem or two, and share their creative work. Any may remain silent who wish.
k. A little tongue in cheek about “Why I Hate Poetry.” JH
l. An Open Space: for those who’d like to read poems about coming to love poetry and/or finding what you love to create……………………
m. A little Music: concluding by 10:45 for a time apart of 45 minutes, returning at 11:30.
2. Cycle Two: 11:30. Poems about Turning, Changing Direction, Finding My Voice. a. A little music. b. The Journey, Mary Oliver; Revelation Must Be Terrible, David Whyte, JH c. An Open Space to read and listen… d. A little music ending at 12:30 for lunch. e. Lunch 12:30 - ….. with space to walk, meditate, journal reconvening at 2:30. |
3. Cycle Three: 2:30. Food for the Journey, Poems about the “Bread” that is our food for the journey, companions, places. a. Quieting Music. b. This Is Not The Age of Information, David Whyte, JH c. Wild Geese, Mary Oliver JH d. Second Sight, David Whyte JH e. An Open Space to Read and Listen…. f. Concluding at 3:30pm with “Little Promptings From the Interior Teacher About Beauty. |