Even before we're "finished," we can be amazed all through each day, like coming around a corner and seeing these stunning grape hyacinths hugging a 100 year old tree.
There seem to be more and more gifts that come to me, but I figure it's because I've been taken in by my own negative traps and short-sightedness, and that's why in contrast to my own traps, I see more Beauty and kindness and thoughtfulness.
Saturday, March 1, with lots of new nature photography, quieting music, and poetry I'll be reflecting at Arti Gras on the gifts and traps of maturity, how some rituals lose their meaning, hope becomes so different, and what and who we cherish become so precious.
Arti Gras is sponsored by the Spirituality Network in Columbus. Here is the link to register on-line. http://www.spiritualitynetwork.org/2014artigras.html
Location: Trinity Lutheran Seminary 2199 E Main Street, Bexley.
I hope you come. My website under "Contact" then "Workshops" has the outline for each 1 1/2 hour offering. www.photographybyjohnholliger.net